When Finding a Mothers Day Card is just too Hard.

It’s a painful experience to read through dozens of cards filled with sweetly expressed sentiments and wonder what it would feel like to have that kind of mom.  You’re standing in front of a huge display of greeting cards but you can’t find a single one that expresses the truth about your mom.   I’ve been there. Every year…

Are SK “Old-Timers” Swaying the School Bond Vote?

 I know what you’re thinking… “Another ballot measure to build a second high school… How many times are they going to ask?”  My question for you is: How many times do we have to?   When my husband and I moved here 14 years ago our oldest son was still in diapers.  We fell in love with the community and quickly decided…

6 Reasons Why Kids Need Pets

Trying to decide if you should let your kids have pets? This week we had to say goodbye to our family dog, Nelly.                                  Nelly was a part of our life for over 12 years.  Losing her has been hard on all of us but especially on my kids.  Since her passing I’ve been thinking a lot about pets and the important…

Psychology of a Supermom

For some women, the mere mention of the word “Supermom” makes them cringe. They feel frustrated at the unrealistic expectations put upon them by society and even more frustrated with the women who perpetuate the Supermom myth by doing all those “over-the-top” things. Does this sound like you? If you’re not sure, then read the following description and pay…

The Only Way America Will Ever Be Great Again

  With the 2016 election behind us, the shocking reality of a Trump Presidency is beginning to set in.  As we prepare ourselves for what lies ahead, Trumps campaign promise to “Make America Great Again” echoes in all our ears.   Whether Democrat or Republican, to make America great again is what we all want for our beloved nation.  But what we ought to…

A Life Lesson from a Thrift Store Find

I spotted the chairs from across the store and made a beeline straight for the furniture section.  For months I’d been searching in vain for a dining set to use on our covered porch. Finding six matching chairs in any condition was rare but finding them in good condition was almost unheard of.  Even from this distance they looked very promising…

Why we are Different.

My young daughters voice sounded from the back seat while driving home from her piano lesson last week…  “Mom,” she asked, “what’s the difference between a Democrat and a Republican?” I did my best to answer but felt my response was a bit stereotypical, (and not in a positive way).  Why do I do that? I thought to myself.  Am I…

Why I let my Boys play with Guns

I used to be the kind of Mom that never let her kids play with guns.  For years I deliberately avoided any toys that even vaguely resembled a weapon. When friends asked what kind of gift to get for my sons birthday party I was the type to politely inform them we didn’t let our boys play with guns.  “Really?”  Some…

Will Planned Parenthood be on the WRONG Side of History?

It’s become pretty common to hear people say that taking a stand on a particular issue either places you on the “right side” or the “wrong side” of history. I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately as it relates to abortion. I wonder if there will ever come a day when we look back on the killing of the…

She’s Pregnant…AGAIN

Last summer I received an email from my 42-year-old sister announcing the pregnancy of her 7th child. I audibly gasped at the news.  After getting over the initial shock my first inclination was to give her my condolence followed by a sisterly pep talk.  As I was formulating this response in my head it quickly morphed into me wanting to…

Are you immune to PARENT Peer Pressure?

One of the ironies of being a parent is you often have to teach your children things you’re still learning yourself. Don’t know what I mean?  Let’s see if any of these sound familiar… “Don’t lose your temper.” “Eat a balanced diet.” “Don’t waste your time on the internet.” “Don’t procrastinate.” “Don’t compare yourself to…

6 Places to find a “Good Guy”

I have a cousin whose life is a bit of a train wreck… She’s 33-year-old single Mom with 4 kids from 3 different fathers.  She’s never been married but has a list of ex live-in boyfriends that exceed the number of notches on your favorite belt. If you’ve ever met her you’d probably love her…